Assess Yourself on Four Key Elements

Find out which areas you need to strengthen so you can enjoy your relationship with money.



How healthy is your relationship with money?
You can assess the health of your connection with money by looking at how you respond emotionally to money. The calmer and more relaxed you are about your financial life, the healthier it will be in the future.


How healthy is your relationship with work?
You can assess the health of your connection with work by the way you work and the way you feel about it. The more you love your work and can work light instead of working too hard, the healthier it is. 


How healthy is your sense of purpose?
You can assess how healthy your purpose is by your level of clarity and your ability to express your purpose through your work. The more your work is aligned with your purpose, the greater the level of health. 


How well organised are you in your personal finances?
You can assess your organisation by looking at how practical you are in your personal finances (not business). The better you manage your finances, the healthier they are.

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